I was introduced to Japan Car Direct (JCD) through a friend that imported his own Kei truck. Prior to me reaching out to JCD, I researched many other online buyers of JDM cars for many years and came away very disappointed for various reasons: their buyer’s fee or fees were ridiculously high; the price of their cars were ridiculously high; they seemed ambivalent about my needs; their English was not strong; the selection of their cars were very limited and/or their stock was full of cars that had been there for months, if not years.
Most importantly, I had no confidence they were acting on my behalf. JCD was completely different.
Since July of 2016, I have purchased 8 vehicles from JCD. They guided me and advised me as to which cars were solid, roadworthy, and mechanically sound. There were cars that I really really wanted and they advised me numerous times to pass on them because of their condition and I know they were right. I have purchased cars that I was able to re-sell with confidence and were in amazing shape. Most exceeded my expectations.
They care and they are by my side at every step of the process.
Raphael – USA